Friday, November 16, 2007

Creating Animated GIF files with Ubuntu 7.10

First you need a program called "Avidemux"
Click here to download the .deb file

Once you have that installed you need to launch it and open the video that you want to chop.

Select the part of the video that you want to use as an animation using the A/ and /B buttons.

A/ = Beginning

/B = End

Now you need to save your selection as JPEG files.

In Avidemux go to

File>Save>Save Selection as JPEG images...

Save the project to a new folder, then view the files in their folder and delete any unwanted frames.
Next, fire up F-Spot photo manager, import the folder:
To resize the frames we will need to export them.

In F-Spot you will need to click on browse and then hit CTRL+A to choose the frames

Then export them:
File>Export>Export to folder...
Then reduce the amount of pixels to resize the frames.

Next you need to fire up the GIMP and open the first frame.

Next we need to open all the frames as layers.
To do this we need to go to our first frame and go to the menu:

File>Open as layers

Browse to the folder with all the frames in it and hit CTRL+A

Then hold CTRL and click on your first frame to deselect it and then open the files.

Hit CTRL+L, that will bring up the layers.

To preview your animated image simply go to the picture window then:

Filters>Animation>Playback and hit play.

To help reduce the file size go to:

Filters>Animation>Optimize (for GIF)

All you have to do now is save the image as a GIF and choose to save it as an animation.


TK said...

Hey, thanks for this. I almost opened 172 individual images and figured I needed a better solution.

Randy Noseworthy said...

Dude, This helped a load! I knew that I could use Linux to make an animated GIF, and I suspected that the Gimp could do it!

Anonymous said...

cool! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot!!

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot. Short and awesome!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Try ImageMagick. It can generate a good quality gif image with few simple commands -